Truyện thai giáo tiếng Anh (Thai giáo ngoại ngữ): The Little Weed

4.7/5 (384 đánh giá)

A little weed feels worthless, until it helps some hungry birds.

Truyện thai giáo tiếng Anh (Thai giáo ngoại ngữ): The Little Weed

“You’re nothing but a weed,” said the children in the fall. The little weed hung its head in sorrow. No one seemed to think that a weed was of any use.

By and by the snow came and the cold winds blew. There were many hungry little birds hunting for food.

“Twit! Twit Twee!
See! See! See!”

sang a merry little bird one cold morning.

“Here is a lovely weed full of nice brown seeds!”

And he made a good meal from those seeds that morning. Then three other little birds came to share the feast.

The little weed was so happy that she held her head up straight and tall again.

“That is what I was meant for,” she said. “I am good for something. Four hungry little birds had as many seeds as they wished for their breakfast. Next year I’ll grow as many seeds as I can to feed many more hungry little birds. Good-bye, little birds,” she called out to the little feathery friends. “Come again next year. I’ll have another dinner for you.”

“Good-bye, little weed,” sang the birds. “We have had a fine meal and we thank you very much. You’ll see us again next year. It is so hard to get enough to eat during the cold weather, and we are grateful to you for holding your seeds for us.”

“It’s nice to find that one is of some use after all, isn’t it?” called out the little weed to her neighbour in the next field.


Let’s Chat About The Stories

Helping, Community, Self-Confidence, Kindness

1. The little weed feels proud when she provides seeds to some hungry birds. Why do you think she feels like this?

2. Do you think we are worthwhile only when giving things to others? Why or why not?


The birds are grateful to the weed for holding her seeds for them. Why do they feel like this? Can you imagine how they felt before they found the little weed?

Đọc truyện và thơ thai giáo như thế nào?

Mẹ bầu nằm thư giãn, tâm trạng lạc quan, đọc truyện và thơ thai giáo theo nội dung được Mamibabi cung cấp với giọng tươi vui, hân hoan.

Mẹ hãy đọc thành tiếng để con có thể nghe được. Khi đọc, mẹ có thể vuốt ve, massage bụng bầu nhẹ nhàng. Bé sẽ có phản ứng tích cực với động tác và lời nói của mẹ đấy.

4.7 / 5

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Truyện thai giáo tiếng Anh - Thai giáo ngoại ngữ